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Request for Proposal: Event Organizer for the 2026 International Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit

Held at the Panama Convention Center (PCC) 

Calle Gral. Juan D. Peron, Panamá, Provincia de Panamá, Panama 

Issued by:

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, on behalf of the SBCC Summit Secretariat




Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) is seeking the services of a company to manage aspects detailed below for the the 4th International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC). This will be held March 24 – March 28, 2026 at the Panama Convention Center, Panama City, Panama.

The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various companies, conduct a fair and extensive evaluation based on the criteria listed herein, and select a source that will provide the best overall value while meeting our needs. The EO must have a physical office in Panama, and preferably in Panama City.


The SBCC Summit brings together the global community of SBCC organizations, professionals and researchers to advance the practice of SBCC in public health. The Summit focuses on topics such as HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, family planning/reproductive health, water, sanitation, the environment, gender and more.  Participants include practitioners of SBCC, students, vendors/exhibitors, non-governmental organization staff, USAID Mission staff, and Ministry of Health staff. (http://sbccsummit.org) 


All proposals should be double spaced, using Arial font size 11. and one inch margins. The technical proposal must be submitted in a Microsoft Word Document, Google Docs, or PDF. Financial proposals must be submitted in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Please include page numbers and bidder’s name at the bottom right corner of each page. The Bidder should include all information that is requested by the RFP. The Bidder may include additional categories of information as needed to adequately describe their proposal and these costs should be separated or denoted as such.

Technical Proposal

  • An executive summary to include a description of the company and the company’s capability for best completing the project scope. 
  • Explain experience negotiating hotel rates, airline discounts, and working with local government for cooperation and financial and/or in-kind support for similarly sized events held. Examples of in-kind support include providing 24/7 security for the event, emergency medical team on-site, etc.,
  • At least three examples of past, successful, relevant events of similar size and duration. 
  • Contact information for two references and a brief description of work performed (references should be chosen based on their relevance to this RFP)
  • Detail proposal of key staff (role, title, experience, and languages spoken) who will be instrumental in guiding and supporting all activities of this project
  • Name and contact information of individual who will act as the official contact person for the Bidder
  • Proof of insurance and bonding (at least equal to the amount of the financial proposal)
  • Proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal
  • Please note: If the Bidder must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the technical proposal. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted. CCP reserves the right to reject subcontractors.

Financial Proposal

  • All costs must be in USD
  • All costs must be broken down into either fixed costs or variable (those that are dependent on the number of attendees) costs. Respondents should assume 2,000 participants per day for 5 days when creating the financial proposal. The number of participants is subject to change depending on actual attendance and variable costs will increase or decrease accordingly.
  • All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs
  • All items that can be provided at no charge shall be identified with their estimated cost for cost share purposes
  • All costs included in financial proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work, and include any local taxes
  • All proposers must hold their proposed pricing for 120 days after the proposal submittal date.
  • Respondents must use the SBCC Summit March 2026 – Event Organizer Cost Template.xls file provided
  • Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Each complete proposal received by the deadline in the correct format will be evaluated in two stages. First the technical proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Experience in event management and logistics for international conferences or comparable activities (including size and duration)
  • Demonstrated negotiations for securing discounted hotel rates, flight discounts, and government contributions and/or in-kind contributions. 
  • References for relevant projects 
  • Quality and detail of the proposed approach 
  • Incorporation of all items identified under “Submission Guidelines” and “Technical Proposal” 

Technical proposals that receive at least the minimum qualifying score for each criterion will have their financial proposals reviewed. Financial proposals will be evaluated based on:

  • Accuracy 
  • Adherence to financial proposal directions 
  • Financial Contribution – Direct and In-Kind 
  • Total cost 

CCP reserves the right to award to the bidder that presents the best value to CCP as determined solely by CCP in its absolute discretion. While it is CCP’s intention to enter into a contract, CCP reserves the right to make no award or reject any and all offers received as a result of this RFP and readvertise for other proposals. CCP may make any alterations, deviations, additions or omissions from the RFP documents which it deems to be in the best interest of CCP without affecting the obligations of the EO or making void the contract.

Questions are due from interested parties on: January 24, 2025 17:00 EST. Questions should be emailed to info@sbccsummit.org with the subject line: 2026 SBCC Summit – EO RFP Questions

Responses to all questions will be emailed directly by January 28, 2025 17:00 EST.

Final Proposals are due on January 31, 2025 17:00 EST. Please send your proposal to info@sbccsummit.org with the subject line: 2026 SBCC Summit – EO RFP Submission. A confirmation of receipt will be provided on the next business day. 

Terms of Reference SBCC Summit Management

The Event Organizer (EO) will have authority over the following terms of reference.

Objective: To provide on the ground logistical support during set-up, dismantling, and event launch between March 20, 2026 – March 29, 2006. To provide necessary assistance as outlined in the duties and responsibilities leading up to, during, and after the Summit.

Costs included: All items outlined in the duties and responsibilities section. All personnel costs for the EO will be included in the contract price. We expect 2,000 participants per day.  The EO will be expected to develop a staffing plan to provide all the logistical and management services for this 5-day event (plus the at least 3 set-up days before, and 2 dismantling days after). This includes all preparation and in-country coordination leading up to the event. The EO will also liaise with the PCC, in coordination with the Logistics Committee. EO personnel will support conference preparations, visa processing, staffing at the airport, on-site registration, security, booth set-up, freight acceptance and customs clearance, storage, transportation arrangements including to/from airport to hotels and hotels to venue, ushers, assist with auxiliary event room preparations, seek and secure all services not provided by the venue directly, and all IT/AV staff. IT/AV staff must be available during for set-up and troubleshooting in each room. The primary spoken language of the CCP Team is English.


The EO, in coordination with CCP, will undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

Event Location

Attendees will travel all parts of the world. The ability to work with government officials to set-up a visa track is essential to the success of the Summit. 

The EO will be responsible for:

Branding the PCC for the Summit. This includes the front facade, registration area, common spaces, etc. The EO can provide a branding plan with pricing and recommendations. 

Plenary hall requirements:

  • Arrange seating for 2,000
  • All necessary equipment, furniture, wiring, lighting, etc., will be required. Podium, microphone, speakers screen, and seating (up to 5 ppl) and stage decorations. Please provide details of your recommendations in the cost proposal.
  • Sessions in the plenary hall will be interpreted into 4 languages (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish). Sessions are generally less than 2 hours each and may have multiple presenters. 2 sessions have taken place per day during past Summits. 
  • Sessions from the Plenary Hall will be live-streamed and recorded.
  • Interpretation booths with all necessary equipment for simultaneous interpretation and recording of all languages is required. 
  • Headsets will also be required, and the EO or outsourced vendor should carry insurance should the headsets not be returned by attendees. 
  • Point person responsible for run of show each day – including the queueing of files, slide advancement, testing audio and visual, and creation of buffer slides between sessions. 

3 dedicated rooms (Summit Planning Committee and yet to be assigned) room requirements:

  • Minimum space for 10 people with conference table and chairs
  • 24/7 access to 1 of the 3 rooms for Summit Planning Committee beginning during the set-up days
  • Air filtration unit, 1 wifi/bluetooth color printer w/paper (a few reams), waste baskets, and refrigerator should be available in the room

12 breakout rooms requirements:

  • Rooms will be seat up theatre style
  • 5-person table set-up in the front of the room with seating and 5 tabletop microphones
  • Podium with microphone
  • Microsoft Windows operating system laptop with Adobe Acrobat and all necessary peripheral connections
  • Wireless clicker
  • Speakers suitable for the room size
  • Projector and projector screen
  • AV/IT Staff available for each room to troubleshoot any issues during a session
  • Housekeeping between sessions including disinfecting high-touch area; rubbish removal; and reorganization of chairs between sessions. Removal of linens between days, when necessary. 

Photography, videography, and donor wall requirements:

  • The EO will work with the CCP Communications Team to develop a shot list. All photographs will be shared by the end of each day.This same team will discuss the overall Summit video requirements. 
  • Some sessions will be recorded, including all Plenary Sessions. Each session’s video should followed an agreed upon naming convention and be made available at the end of each day.
  • The EO will set-up 3 separate photo backdrop areas around the PCC to allow attendees to take photographs in front of them; the 3 photo backdrops will have different artwork. Previous Summits erected a simple wooden structure and wrapped with the printed panels. The structure must be safe and secure for attendees to stand in front of. 
  • A donor wall will be created to highlight the sponsors/donors of the Summit. Depending on the sponsorship level, either a small, medium, or large “shape” will be printed with an organization’s information. For top sponsors, an interactive touchscreen will be required (expect no more than 4, but will advise). EO will work with the Summit Comms and Design team to create the donor wall. Here is an example

Water stations and charging stations:

  • Branded filtered water stations will be placed throughout the PCC. This is a sponsored opportunity so the branding may change. Up to 10 different branding designs may be used. Please price for 10 water stations that allow for filling water bottles throughout the Summit. Please price enough 5-gallons filtered water bottle refills for 2,000 attendees over a 5-day period.
  • Branded charging stations will be placed throughout the PCC. This is a sponsored opportunity so the branding may change. Up to 5 different branding designs may be used. The charging stations should allow for multiple people to charge their mobile devices so various USB type connectors will be required.

 Opening Reception:

  • An evening reception will be provided and a SBCC committee will work with the EO. More than likely, the reception will take place at the PCC. Local entertainment is hired and the EO will be responsible to work with the appropriate PCC staff to set-up the area and provide necessary staging, equipment, lighting, etc., 

Local Bank Account

  • The EO will must open a dedicated, non-interest bearing local bank account to accept incoming wire transfers for registration payments. CCP must have access to this account via an online login. Funds received in this account will be used as partial payment for services rendered by the EO, and possibly as USD withdrawal for local expenses including the payment of guest speaker per diems. EO must provide CCP with a timeline for how long it will take the EO to withdraw USD from the account.


  • The EO will develop a broad timeline with milestones to accomplish all activities outlined in this RFP.  Provide the timeline to CCP for input and recommendations. This timeline can be a work in progress as more details become available. Work from finalized timeline that has been approved by CCP and SBCC Secretariat.



  • The EO will negotiate arrangements and discounts with airlines and hotels. Hotels should be within a reasonable distance from the event location (less than 20 minutes by car). Hotel selections must also accommodate people with disabilities including working elevators and wheelchair access. CCP and the Summit Secretariat will approve the hotels officially offered by the Summit.
  • The EO will facilitate contracts with hotels to reserve guest room blocks. Hotels must provide direct booking links with the negotiated rates. Room blocks cannot be financially guaranteed by CCP nor the SBCC Secretariat. However, the room blocks can be released at an agreed upon date prior to the event. Secure a letter from the Ministry of Health to assist in the process of getting price guarantees from hotels if needed. Hotel selections must also accommodate people with disabilities including working elevators and wheelchair access.


  • The EO will work with the Logistics Committee and relevant Ministries to manage the visa process. The EO will facilitate the process of attendees securing the necessary visa to attend the Summit, and inform CCP of any countries where the visa process is extended and/or problematic. Staff must be available during the peak arrival days to help assist participants through the process at the airport.


  • The EO will arrange and negotiate contracts for bus service to transport conference participants from the airport to one of the hotels listed on the website (transportation to other hotels will be the responsibility of the attendee). This will be offered on March 21 and March 22 at to-be-determined intervals.
  • The EO will arrange and negotiate contracts for bus service to transport conference participants from the hotels listed on the website to the airport (transportation to other hotels will be the responsibility of the attendee). This will be offered evening of March 27 through March 28th and to be determined intervals.
  • The EO will arrange and negotiate contracts for bus service to transport conference participants from hotels to the venue and back to the hotels (as necessary).  In the past, this was done as a loop; multiple vans/buses will leave at set intervals. Develop a shuttle schedule, routes and stops.  Make sure bus drivers do a run through prior to the conference and hotels are briefed on the shuttle schedule and pick locations. Shuttles will run from 6:00 – 9:00; 18:00 – 20:30 on Summit days (subject to change). And 12:00 – 17:00 on March 22nd for registration. Ensure signage is available with shuttle schedules.
  • The EO will draft welcome letter with logistics for participants.  Provide general tourist information and list of things to do while in country for conference participants. Suggest vetted, safe tour companies that participants can use. 

Local Government and Protocols

  • The EO will liaise with local government entities to seek financial and in-kind support for the Summit. 
  • The EO will work with local security, police, emergency respondents, etc. and follow the necessary protocols including permits, permission, etc. 
  • The EO will advise CCP and the SBCC Secretariat of any local customs/protocols that visitors are encouraged/required to adhere to while visiting the country. 


  • The EO will identify a point person from their eam to work with the venue and hotel security staff and National Security to facilitate the needs of high level/VIP participant’s security. If venue does not provide on-site security, the EO must hire adequately trained security personnel.
  • The EO will work with the Summit Steering Committee(s) and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to have protocols in place for receiving high-level/VIP participants
  • The EO will must ensure participants enter through the appropriate entrances with metal detectors in place.


  • The EO will manage on-site registration system and provide customer service. Attendees of the Summit will need to pick up their badges and conference bags in a timely manner. Develop badging and check-in process that limits the waiting time. The SBCC Summit will be using a software called Dryfta. Access can be provided directly, or files can be exported with attendee information.
  • The EO will set-up an online portal to allow conference attendees to book and provide payment for their hotel rooms
  • The EO will link registration system to name badging process
  • The EO will respond to any general inquiries people might have, provide customer services in relation to registration.
  • The EO will maintain list of international participants to forward it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regularly, if necessary. Keep the list updated in real-time so we can communicate with attendees. 

Booth Set-up/Exhibit Area

The EO will provide the following for 50 booths:

  • Booth panels measuring 3 (D) ×3 (W) meters
  • carpet/flooring
  • 1 table
  • 2 chairs (minimum)
  • 1 dustbin
  • 1 electrical outlet/plug with 2 sockets
  • Printed Exhibitor name sign

The EO will create an exhibitor guide. Example for the 2022 can be found here. Some sponsors and donors may want to print materials locally, other may want to ship materials for the Summit. A freight forwarding service provider will be required. The EO must establish pricing and payment system for exhibitors to pay for upgrades directly to EO or vendor providing the exhibitor upgrades. 

Digital Poster Area

The EO will provide 50 digital screens where a file can be displayed. The screens should be the same size, and branded for the Summit.The digital screens need to allow for a file to be transferred and opened to allow a presenter to display their “poster”. The screens do not require touch-screen capabilities. 

Printing and Local Procurement of Goods

While exhibitors and presenters may require in-country procurement support, the following are items that were procured for previous Summits and paid for by CCP. Please include the pricing of this as variable cost,  and include the specifications for which you are bidding. For example,  lanyard:  X width, X length, color of stock, clasp style, badge type and badge size. 

  • Lanyards with badge
  • Printed metal water bottles
  • Cotton conference bags
  • Pull up banners


The EO will provide detailed information of how to ship materials to the venue and the EO will provide return shipping of any remaining items. This includes securing a freight forwarding service, temporary storage of materials, and delivery of materials to the venue. Must establish a mechanism to have exhibitors/attendees pay for the shipping directly to EO.

Airport “Information Desk/Greeters”

The EO will have an information desk and signage available directing attendees to a shuttle for their hotel in the airport. The information desk and signage will be made available March 22 and March 23 2026.The EO will work with local officials and be available to assist with any issues concerning during this peak time of attendee arrivals.

The EO will also arrange for VIP processing for up to 25 select attendees (speakers, secretariat members, etc.)

Conference Sessions

  • The EO will provide signage at each room with the current session name, with start and end times.
  • The EO will provide large digital screens are available throughout the PCC with updated schedules.

Interpretation / Translation Services:

  • As stated in the plenary hall requirements, 4 languages will be provided for plenary hall sessions. Interpreters will be required in French, Portuguese, and Spanish, and interpreters should be able to translate back into English for non-English presentations. Interpreters will have access to presentations at least 8 hours before the sessions. Interpreters must be experienced with specific terminology relevant to a variety of health related fields and SBCC. Specific requirements will be provided, and possible interpreters will be interviewed and approved prior to hiring by the EO. 


  • If needed, the EO will facilitate processes with various security teams to set up VIP security rooms and ensure all security sweeps required are achieved
  • The EO will work with the venue to require 24/7 security personnel only allowing access to Summit Planning Committee and (specific badge) during off-hours.

Staffing Needs and Training (some bullets below are duplicative of content above)

  • Training of staff and run through at the conference venue.
  • Staff will work with keynote speakers for run-of-show at set-times
  • Provide general secretarial services
  • Work closely with conference venue and hotel staffs to ensure all activities run smoothly, including: room turnover, cocktail receptions, lunches, tea breaks, concurrent sessions, poster displays and opening and closing ceremonies.
  • If hiring a separate vendor then supervise set-up and break-down of exhibition hall booths (up to 50 booths/organizations), including electrical systems.  
  • Set up poster area after arranging for the rental of the screens.
  • Set up all conference signage and make sure all rooms and presentation areas are set up according to specs
  • Manage all temporary staff hired to usher and host during the conference 
  • Be the point of contact for all vendors to ensure services are being provided as agreed
  • Test all technical equipment for functionality and coordinate with AV teams to make sure each conference room is set up as needed and each session runs smoothly
  • Help develop site specs (venue blueprint).  Work with conference site and CCP in mapping the set-up for all rooms, events, tea breaks, lunches, exhibits (approximately 50 booths) and poster presentations (at least 50 digital posters per day).  A digital map and printed map of the event location will be required.
  • Determine what items need to be purchased or rented for logistical set-up.  Inform CCP what can be acquired in country and what needs to be imported.  
  • Purchase various office supplies and equipment to be set-up at the conference site so there is a fully functioning conference office on-site. Approvals must be sought from CCP before purchase.
  • Arrange and pay for still photography and select session videography during the course of the week. The selection of what will be videotaped will be agreed upon in advance with CCP. Images will be reviewed by the Communications point person at the end of each day, but will also be discussed prior to the event.
  • Working with the Steering and Logistics Committees to explore securing in country sponsorships for different parts of the conference, like coffee/tea breaks, from local businesses and international corporations.
  • Assist the Steering Committee in hiring and arranging contracts for entertainment for reception after the opening.
  • Ensure caterers and the conference venue have enough staff to do set-up and breakdown of event. If staff is not provided then hire additional staff as needed. (Additional staff costs should be included in the contract price.)


Collect and track contracts for all vendors.  At the end of conference provide a summary of contracts that have been paid and any outstanding payments still required.

  • Notice of Standard JHU Contract Terms

The winner bidder will need to enter into a contract with JHU, and should expect the following to be among the standard contract terms.

JHSPH’s Right to Inspect and Audit

The Service Provider shall maintain such books and records, together with such supporting or underlying documents and materials, for the duration of this Contract and for at least seven (7) years following final payment under this Contract, including any and all renewals thereof.  The books and records, together with the supporting or underlying documents and materials shall be made available, upon request, to JHSPH, through its employees, agents, representatives, contractors or other designees, during normal business hours at the Service Provider’s office or place of business. In the event that no such location is available, then the books and records, together with the supporting or underlying documents and records, shall be made available for audit at a time and location which is convenient for JHSPH. 

Conflict of Interest

Authorized representatives and key participants of Service Provider involved in this project/work agree to immediately disclose to JHSPH any financial or fiduciary interests that they, or their immediate family members, may have with JHSPH. 


Service Provider certifies that it is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any U.S. Federal department or agency. 


The Service Provider warrants that during its performance of this Contract, Service Provider, or any of its employees, agents, or subcontractors, will not violate any applicable discrimination laws, including, but not limited to, on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religious belief, national origin, marital status, status as a qualified individual with a disability or handicap or as a disabled veteran.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act  

Service Provider represents and warrants to JHSPH that it is aware of the requirements of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and will not take any action that could violate the FCPA or expose JHSPH to liability under the FCPA.  Specifically, Service Provider represents and warrants that, in connection with this Contract, Service Provider and its owners, officers, directors, employees, representatives or agents have not provided and will not provide, offer or promise to provide, or authorize the provision directly or indirectly of, any money, gift, loan, service or anything of value to any government official (or any agent, employee or family member thereof), any political party or candidate for political office, or any third party, for the purpose of influencing or inducing any act, omission or decision of such government official or candidate, or of the government to obtain or retain business, or direct business to any person, or to secure any improper advantage.

Force Majeure

Neither party will be responsible or liable to the other party for non-performance or delay in performance of any terms or conditions of this Agreement due to acts or occurrences beyond the control of the nonperforming or delayed party, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government, terrorism, wars, riots, strikes or other labor disputes, shortages of labor or materials, fires, and floods, provided the nonperforming or delayed party provides to the other party written notice of the existence of and the reason for such nonperformance or delay.

Restricted Countries 

The Service Provider may not charge under this Contract any item which has a source/origin from any restricted countries, as designated by the US State Department.  Restricted countries currently include, but are not necessarily limited to Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, and Syria.

Anti-Terrorist Compliance

The Service Provider is notified that U.S. Executive Orders and statutory law prohibit transactions with, and the provision of resources, and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism.  It is the legal responsibility of the Service Provider to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws.  In addition to relying on locally available resources, the Service Provider may use resources available on the internet to review established lists published by the US Government.  These are located at:  http://www.treasury.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/index.  Hiring individuals or contracting with organizations on this list is strictly prohibited under the terms of this Contract.       


This Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland.  Each of the Parties hereto agrees to venue in and submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and/or federal courts located within the State of Maryland for any suit, hearing or other legal proceeding of every nature, kind and description whatsoever in the event of any dispute or controversy arising hereunder or relating hereto, or in the event any ruling, finding or other legal determination is required or desired hereunder.  Both parties hereto agree to waive their respective rights to a trial by jury.  However, the parties shall attempt to resolve all disputes through informal means.  Each party agrees that, prior to resorting to litigation to resolve any dispute, it will confer with the other party to determine whether other procedures that are less expensive or less time consuming can be adopted to resolve the dispute.