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If we submit a preformed panel and are not accepted, would it be possible for individual abstracts from that panel to be submitted and if they meet criteria, would they be accepted?

If not accepted, preformed panels are not automatically considered for individual proposals as preformed panels should not just be a set of presentations – there should be added value in the combination of presentations and how panelists complement and interact with each other during the session. There should be a strong justification for why they are combined into a single session resulting in an experience for attendees that is greater than the sum of the parts. By the time decisions are made about preformed panel submissions, it would be too late to schedule them for additional review as standalone oral presentations.

Please note: If you plan to submit a pre-formed panel, you will not see it listed as an option. Pre-formed panels will open mid-January. Please click here to see the information that will be collected when pre-formed panels are opened.

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Next My abstract was accepted for the 2020 Summit. Can I still present it in 2022?