Welcome to the International SBCC Summit

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An insight is a new way of viewing the world that prompts us to reexamine existing conventions and challenge the status quo.

It is not data nor a solution. Instead, it is a penetrating observation that results in seeing fresh perspectives.

Explore new methods, connections and concepts.

During the SBCC Summit 2022, give yourself the opportunity to challenge the existing conditions and parameters of your practice. Reexamine and question existing conventions. Undertake an authentic sense of curiosity, walk away from assumptions, and unlearn. To enrich your experience, use your senses to deeply explore new methods, connections and concepts.

Share your insights in hard copy in one of the insights rooms: Espace Koutoubia and Rebe 3. Or, post your insights digitally in the discussion forums:

Your submissions will be collected and analyzed. Then, during the closing plenary, a panel of your peers will discuss the findings and host a real time poll to gather your reactions. Go to PollEv.com/sbccsummit or scan the QR code to join-in.

Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

Insights at the Summit

  • Espace Koutoubia
  • Rebe 3 Conference Room

Watch this space during the Summit as the Insights virtual wall will be live where participants and those following on social media will post their comments, insights, photos etc. Use hashtags #SBCCSummit and #SBCCInsights.

Click on the buttons below to access the attendee guide for capturing insights during the Summit.